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Is your immunity low? | Simple and affordable home remedies to boost immunity

Is your immunity low?

Simple and affordable home remedies to boost immunity

Immunity Booster

It is very important to keep our immune system strong due to the changing weather. The main reason for the weakening of the immune system is the lack of nutrients in the diet.

Today, the disease in the world is increasing rapidly and people who are suffering from this disease are having less immune system.

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Is your immunity low? If there is a change in the weather, you catch a cold, cough ?? If you work a little, and you feel tired immediately???

All these symptoms are less of immunity power.

So today we will talk about some foods that increase immunity, which will help you stay healthy and avoid many diseases.

आंवला / Amla

Immunity System

Amla is found in plenty of vitamin C and it can be eaten in many ways and drink Amla juice and honey daily in the morning, it is very good for health, you can also make it by making a vegetable of Amla, but Keep in mind that do not overcook, because it is likely to decrease its properties.

लहसुन / Garlic 

Immunity System

Garlic is rich in a compound called allicin, which when consumed regularly increases your ability to stay away from infection. You can make garlic a part of your daily diet. Experts say that you don't overcook garlic Because this kills the compound called allicin.


अद्रक / Ginger

Immunity System

Ginger contains elements like protein, iron, calcium, and can be used in different ways. Dry ginger is very beneficial for cold, cough as it kills cold-causing bacteria.

हल्दी / Turmeric 
Immunity System

Turmeric has many medicinal properties with anti-oxidant, antifungal, and antiseptic ingredients, due to which turmeric can not only prevent coughs but also many serious diseases. By consuming turmeric daily, the immune system gets strengthened. if there is a in change weather, Often there is a cold and coughs you have to face problems, then drinking turmeric mixed with hot milk daily at night can help you.

अनार / Pomegranate
Immunity Power

Anti-bacterial and viral diseases found in pomegranate seeds can improve immunity and protect against different types of bacteria and viruses. It also helps protect against other diseases caused by weak immunity. The doctor says that you should eat pomegranate in your daily diet.

चुकुंदर / Beetroot

Immunity Power

Beetroot is very beneficial, it contains iron, potassium and vitamin C. It helps in keeping your immune system healthy. In this season eating beetroot in salads and vegetables can be very beneficial. You can also consume beetroot juice.

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Immunity System

more information :

It is very important to build up the body's immunity to prevent the threat of CORONA. For this, the Ministry of AYUSH has suggested some Ayurvedic remedies prepared with the help of 16 big doctors of India. You can try it at home.

First the most basic solution 1. Increase immunity Drink hot water daily 2. Do yoga, meditation

Apart from simple measures, the Ministry of AYUSH has given some spices which must be added to the food. 3. These spices are turmeric, cumin, garlic, coriander

Now we can easily answer simple Ayurvedic remedies like

4. Take a spoon or 10 grams of Chyawanprash daily, take sugar-free Chyawanprash for diabetes patients, drink herbal tea.

5. Drinking kadha or turmeric milk can be very beneficial for your health. What to add to the decoction Basil, Cinnamon Pepper, Dry Ginger, Munaka, Good, Lemon.

6. Drink turmeric milk twice a day

* Warning this remedy is to increase immunity, the corona is not treated

If you feel a cough or a sore throat, take this remedy at the initial level…

Like mint leaves or celery water steam

Take long powder with honey or sugar two or three times.

Even after taking this remedy, if you have a cough, sore throat or a sore throat, see a doctor immediately.

क्या आप को….कोरोना वायरस के बारे में सभी जानकारी है - CORONA QUIZ करोना  <- Click here

Keep in mind that all Ayurvedic tips are for the development of the body's resistance. CORONAVIRUS is not a cure.

The information provided in today's blog helps to boost immunity, but I would advise you to ask your family doctor before starting any remedy as they know more about your body. Everyone's body is different.


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