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Formula For Happiness

If You're Feeling Sad, Read This | Formula For Happiness |                    My Happiness Philosophy


Some people consider happiness as their main goal. When you ask them what they want in life, they say, 'be happy'. But happiness can be elusive. It creeps up on us when we least expect it, when we find ourselves smiling on a beautiful sunset, a table laid out for a family meal, succeeds in a challenge.

Happiness not about expensive gifts or acquisitions. So when planning a positive, fulfilling life it is important to start by prioritizing your happiness. Let us see what it emphasizes.


1. Practice daily gratitude.


This does not mean settling for the second-best or sitting back at your laurels, but being thankful for everything you have and achieving a balanced, convenient approach to life. Appreciating others, evaluating lessons learned from challenges and failures, relationships in your life, food, air, a roof over your head, running water, can all be taken for granted, but there are many things that others Does not have those people will be happy in your shoes.


2. Happiness comes from being inspired,

So make sure you have things that inspire you to improve, get better, and reach a higher level. It can be learning new skills, expanding your area of expertise, focusing on a new direction, something that elevates your vision, draws you in and brings a sense of accomplishment.


3. Leaving our familiar comfort zone


Leaving our familiar comfort zone can be scary and exhilarating, yet often the result gives us a feeling of happiness and pride. Even trying new food, another route to work, something we are apprehensive about can indicate positive changes in our thinking and our own happiness.


4. Being challenged 


Challenging is also important for happiness. Being receptive to new ideas and initiatives, be prepared to say 'yes' even if you are unsure of yourself. Why not say 'yes' first and work on how to do it later! Self-improvement and development bring happiness and fulfillment.


5. Do things that you do well.


Being challenged is often a good experience, but if life is already creating a stressful time, then knowing you are good can be an important reminder of how competent  and capable you are. And we all need a small window of success in a stressful life. Enjoy, whether it's icing a cake, putting up shelving or supporting an elderly neighbor.


6. Rewards can bring happiness.


Rewards can bring happiness. Yes, we deserve to be rewarded financially for our efforts. We need to live and pay our bills. But reward yourself by making sure you have a space, a place where you go and feel safe, able to relax. It can be your bedroom, with favorite wall paints, cushions, flowers, and music. When you are there you close the door of the world, relax and chill.


7. Being involved with others

Being involved with others can bring happiness; Teaching, mentoring, coaching, volunteering are the complete experiences. And the people we are associated with can bring new ideas, inspiration, and their own suggestions that add value to our lives.


8. Do not chase the crowd.

Others have their own stories, inspirations, and limitations. They can appreciate your energy and drive, liking that you don't remind them of their apparent lack of ambition, but we are all different and each of us has needs and wants to evolve over time. Consider those relationships and consider if it is time to reduce their impact on your life.

9. Mix with people who like, support, and encourage you.


Mix with people who like, support, and encourage you; They are your fans and ambassadors. Those who like you treat you with respect, they may challenge you on this occasion, but they are in your court and you are with them. Rearing 'your' people enables you to discuss any problem areas in the sometimes weak, inaccurate, and non-accepting, non-decision area.


10. To enjoy the senses.

Happiness comes from smell, taste, touch as well as music and the inclusion of beautiful art and colors. Take time to enjoy nature, your pets. Go to the beach, the forest and stimulate your senses; Feel the sand under your feet.


11. Give yourself regular free time.

Happiness is about making sure that you have balance in your life. It is important to prioritize for fun, sports, exercise, and reading. Sometimes extra attention is required at work, but aim to give you time on a regular basis, perhaps sitting down with coffee in the mall.


12. Insist on being treated with respect 

Insist on being treated with respect to the people with whom you come in contact. Good boundaries matter. If we feel disrespectful, treated dismissively or ignorant are revealed, then nothing can happen. Initially interrupt the bad treatment and be firm about good behavior and thought. But remember to equally invest time and attention in your good relationships.


13. Deal with your demons.


Happiness is about being at peace with ourselves, forgiving any failures, past mistakes, or errors of judgment. If you are struggling then therapy can be a good way to heal and correct negative patterns and ways of thinking. Be gentle with yourself and move beyond unsolicited self-talk. It can make all the difference to your level of happiness.


There are so many negative thoughts going on right now, that people are losing their faith & hopes in human goodness.

There is a real need of spreading happiness.

Not everything in the world is so bad. This world is beautiful because there are more good people than bad people.

Take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise, get regular sleep. Practice these tips, prioritize your health and happiness will follow.

Thanks...Be Happy :)